Cities Say They Want to Defund the Police. Their Budgets Say Otherwise.

January 12 2021

From the article: "... Chris Burbank, vice president of law enforcement strategy for the Center for Policing Equity and the former chief of police of Salt Lake City, said he fears the seemingly muted response at the Capitol marks a step back in the reckoning over racism in policing, even as it proves the need for further reform. The divide is significant and “very difficult to repair,” he said.

No city better epitomizes this struggle than Minneapolis, where the city council wrestled with public safety concerns spurred by a wave of violent crime and the underlying financial constraints wrought by the coronavirus. The plan adopted in December was considered a compromise: reducing the department’s ability to spend overtime with impunity and creating several new alternatives to police responses, while planning to expand officer recruitment in 2022..."

By Fola Akinnibi, Sarah Holder and Christopher Cannon

Continue reading the article on Bloomberg CityLab.